Tender Ref: T001/23
IT Equipment
Publication date: 01/03/2023
Clarification meeting date: 09/03/2023
Deadline for Submission of Clarifications: 17/03/2023
Deadline for Mita to Issue Clarifications: 22/03/2023
Deadline for Submission of Tender: 06/04/2023
Objection Deadline: 18/05/2023

Through this CfT MITA intends to attain the following: (a) outright procurement of eight Data Centre firewalls which need to be covered with 24x7 maintenance and support; (b) outright procurement of centralised management tool/s which need to be covered with 24x7 maintenance and support; (c) outright procurement of a client/agent to be used by government employees and contractors to establish connectivity from the office and remotely. In addition, a management tool that amongst others facilitates client/agent management and acts on the security posture of users will be procured.  The client/agent and tool will need to be covered with 24x7 maintenance and support; (d) procurement of site firewalls that will be installed within all government ministries/departments which need to be covered with 24x7 maintenance and support; (e) procurement of consultancy hours that will be used by MITA throughout the lifetime of the contract; (f) procurement of training services for MITA employees.

Please click here to register for the Clarification Meeting

In view of scheduled updates to the electronic Public Procurement System, it has become necessary to extend the closing date and time of submission of tenders up to 11:30 (local time) of Thursday 6 April 2023.


Link to the Electronic Public Procurement System (EPPS):


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