
This DPS is being established to enable the procurement of workstations for the Government of Malta.

MITA shall be administering the DPS and evaluating those economic operators that meet the eligibility and selection criteria to be admitted to the DPS.

MITA shall be the sole Contracting Authority that can issue Specific Contracts through this DPS as a Central Purchasing Body. Through these Specific Contracts, MITA will procure workstations in an aggregated manner, on behalf of other Bodies governed by Public Law.

The first stage of this DPS (establishment and admission of economic operators) shall be regulated by the General Rules Governing Dynamic Purchasing Systems. The second stage of this DPS (issuance of Specific Contracts) shall be regulated by the General Rules Governing Tenders.

Each individual Specific Contract will define the particular needs in terms of the supplies being required. The Specific Contract shall also detail any particular conditions related for the execution of supplies.

All admitted participants to the DPS shall be invited to tender for each specific contract, in line with the provisions of the General Rules Governing Dynamic Purchasing Systems.


Through the Specific Contracts issued under this DPS, the following supplies may be procured:
1. Laptops
2. Desktop Computers
3. Workstation Monitors

Each Specific Contract issued through this DPS would specify the particular requirements including the minimum technical specifications (including those related to Green Public Procurement obligations), quantities and delivery timeframes related to that particular Specific Contract.

All supplies procured through this DPS shall follow the minimum properties as detailed in the GMICT Policy on Workstations applicable at the time of publication of Specific Contract. This Policy can be viewed from the URL:

Each Specific Contract will also detail any particular warranty requirements, as well as any particular level of after-sales service required, including minimum number of suitable resources and their relative level of education.


The DPS shall remain established until the 17 November 2026.


The maximum estimated value of the specific contracts envisaged for the total term of this DPS shall not exceed €10,000,000 (excluding VAT).

The maximum individual value of each specific contract shall not exceed two million Euro (€2,000,000) exclusive of VAT.

Link to Contract Notice

The OJEU Contract Notice can be viewed from the following URL:


Information Sessions

MITA will be organizing Information Sessions with the scope of providing an overview of the DPS procedure, including the application and selection process for Economic Operators, and how specific contracts are issued by Contracting Authorities. 


Session 1: Information Session to Economic Operators - Wednesday 18 November 2021 - click here for more information - click here to download the presentation

Contact us to register your interest in receiving notifications of upcoming information sessions.


Specific Contracts



Estimated Value

Tentative Publication Quarter

Date of Invitation

T010/22 - Provision of Energy Efficient Standard Laptops


Q1 2022

1 March 2022 **

T011/22 - Provision of Energy Efficient Lightweight Laptops


Q1 2022

1 March 2022 **

T021/22 - Provision of Energy Efficient High-end Laptops


Q1 2022

29 March 2022 **

T067/23 - Provision of Energy Efficient Standard Laptops


Q4 2023

20 November 2023 **

T034/24 - Provision of Energy Efficient Standard Desktops


Q3 2024

8 July 2024 **

Provision of Energy Efficient High-end Laptops


Q1 2025



* Dispatched

** Awarded

*** No Award

Page last updated: 9 December 2024