
MITA maintains the core IT Systems of Taxation, Customs, Social Security, Health, Justice, EU Funding, EU Funding, Public Registry, Common Database, VISA, Police Systems, National Register and the Address Register.

These systems support core functionality and include both back end and on-line systems and process the major incoming payments of Government and are critical in the distribution of Social Security benefits and other payments.  Furthermore, these systems support functions that support most compliance processes for businesses.

The main IT systems are legacy and are being modernized to Cloud Native systems based on Service Oriented Architectures.   This is supported by major Government investment through the procurement of a Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure and Government is investing in the modernization of these IT Systems.

This modernization initiative will ensure that Agility is achieved in the application of functionality and ultimately agility in the implementation of business initiatives.

The modernization process started in 2018 and following extensive research a Reference Architecture has been developed and this can will be used in the design and development initiatives.  These initiatives will phase out and re-write existing software.

The modernization process will adopt an Agile approach and will employ principles Data Architecture:

  1. Service Oriented and Microservices Architecture
  2. Web User Interface Architecture
  3. Application Monitoring and Logging Architecture
  4. Application Security
  5. DevOps processes and Automated Testing

Ultimately the modernization and use of Cloud Infrastructure will facilitate the use of Artificial Intelligence and other innovative tools.

MITA will engage resources to join the Project Teams involved in these modernization projects who will operate using Agile operate using Agile methodologies.

This engagement will be through a Dynamic Procurement System (DPS) which has been published on Wednesday 22nd December 2021 for the procurement of software development services contributing towards the modernisation of Government core IT solutions.

The first stage of this DPS (establishment and admission of economic operators) shall be regulated by the General Rules Governing Dynamic Purchasing Systems. The second stage of this DPS (issuance of Specific Contracts) shall be regulated by the General Rules Governing Tenders. 

Each individual Specific Contract will define the particular needs in terms of the services and the resources/skills sets that are required. The Specific Contract shall also detail any particular conditions related for the execution of services. Agile methodology using SCRUM framework shall be adopted. 

All admitted participants to the DPS shall be invited to tender for each Specific Contract, in line with the provisions of the General Rules Governing Dynamic Purchasing Systems.

The first six (6) Specific Contracts to be published through this DPS shall require three (3) resources each.  Three Specific Contracts are planned for publication under this DPS in January 2022, followed by a further three Specific Contracts in March 2022. Other Specific Contracts will be issued throughout the 5-year DPS established term and the business need may vary. 


The DPS gives an indication of the type of resources and the required minimum skills that may be requested through the Specific Contracts depending on the business needs. The minimum skills requirements listed are not an exhaustive and may change over the term of the DPS term; however, they give a very good indication of the skills needed.

Furthermore, it should be noted that Specific Contracts may vary from one another in terms of requirements depending on the business need and technologies in use, as well as resource capacity required, amongst others.

The minimum skills requirements have been grouped in three sets (for detailed skills requirements per set, kindly refer to the Section 2 of the DPS Terms of Reference):

Minimum Skills Requirements – Software Developer (Front-End)

Minimum Skills Requirements – Software Developer (Back-End)

Minimum Skills Requirements - Solution Architect


The DPS shall remain established until the 21 December 2026.


The maximum estimated value of the specific contracts envisaged for the total term of this DPS shall not exceed €8,000,000 (excluding VAT).

Link to Contract Notice

The OJEU Contract Notice can be viewed from the following URL:

Link to the Electronic Public Procurement System (ePPS)

The DPS can be viewed from the following URL:

Specific Contracts



Estimated Value

Indicative Date of Invitation

T008/22 - Provision of Software Development Services for Social Security Modernisation Initiatives


7 April 2022 ***

T030/22 – Provision of Software Development Services for Social Security Modernisation Initiatives


11 April 2022 ***

T031/22 - Provision of Software Development Services for Social Security Modernisation Initiatives 


12 April 2022 ***

T021/24 - Provision of Health Systems Development and Modernisation Initiatives


5 August 2024 **

T001/25 - Provision of Temporary IT Resources for Software Development and Modernisation Initiatives on Customs Systems




* Dispatched

** Awarded

*** No Award

Information Sessions

MITA will be organizing Information Sessions with the scope of providing an overview of the DPS procedure, including the application and selection process for Economic Operators, and how specific contracts are issued by Contracting Authorities. These Sessions will be of particular interest to Economic Operators who provide software development services.


Session 1: Information Session to Economic Operators - Monday 17 January 2022  - click here for more information Click here to download the presentation. 

Contact us to register your interest in receiving notifications of upcoming information sessions.  

Page last updated: 18/02/2025