Tender Ref: DPS 061/23
Software Services
Publication date: 25/09/2023
Clarification meeting date: 09/10/2023
Deadline for Submission of Tender: 24/09/2028

The subject of this procurement call is the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of Specialised IT Resources. This DPS is being established as a procurement tool that MITA shall use to engage Economic Operators who can provide IT experts skilled in specific specialisation areas, including but not limited to:

  • Technical Consultancy (Enterprise and Solution Architecture)
  • Quality Assurance
  • Business Analysis
  • Scrum/Agile
  • Advanced Analytics, AI and Machine Learning
  • Robotic Process Automation
  • UI/UX design


Specialised IT experts are required to support MITA in its efforts to modernise its core IT systems. MITA currently has in-house project teams who are responsible for maintaining the existing core IT systems and re-writing the code in a modernised way. The project teams generally are composed by a Project Manager, Solution Architect(s), Product Owner(s) and Software Developers. Some of these project teams already have a mix of (in-house) full-time software developers and engaged external software developers through Economic Operators. The intent of this procurement is to inject specialised skills within the project teams to address current technical depth and enable project teams to work with more focus and innovation prospects.


This DPS procedure is governed by Articles 174 to 180 of the Public Procurement Regulations (Legal Notice 352 of 2016).


MITA shall be administering the DPS and evaluating those economic operators that meet the eligibility and selection criteria to be admitted to the DPS.  MITA shall also be the sole Contracting Authority that can issue Specific Contracts through this DPS.


The first stage of this DPS (establishment and admission of economic operators) shall be regulated by the General Rules Governing Dynamic Purchasing Systems. The second stage of this DPS (issuance of Specific Contracts) shall be regulated by the General Rules Governing Tenders.


Economic Operators who submit interest for this DPS shall be assessed based on whether they meet all the administrative requirements listed in section 7 of the Instructions to Tenderers.  Anyone can submit interest in the DPS throughout the duration of the DPS. Specific Contracts shall be issued under this DPS, each Specific Contract defining the needs in terms of the specialisation required. Only those Economic Operators successfully admitted in the DPS on the day the Specific Contract is issued shall be invited to tender.


The evaluation and award criteria that shall be used for Specific Contracts shall be based on Best Price:Quality Ratio (i.e., the contract will be awarded to the Economic Operator who obtains the highest score after adding the respective technical and financial scores). Each Specific Contract will provide further detail on the award methodology that will be adopted.


The DPS shall remain established until the 24 September 2028. This date represents the last date available for the publication of invitation to tender for specific contracts.


The maximum estimated aggregate budget for Specific Contracts issued through this DPS shall not exceed €8,000,000 excluding VAT.


Click here to visit this DPS's resource page.

Click here to register your attendance to the Clarification Meeting scheduled for the 9 October 2023.


Link to the Electronic Public Procurement System (EPPS):


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