08 March 2021
2021-03-08T10:00:00.0000000 2021-03-08T10:00:00.0000000 Europe/Malta T001/20 - Provision of Microsoft Licenses (Perpetual and Subscription) and Related Services (T001/21) - Clarification Meeting T001/20 - Provision of Microsoft Licenses (Perpetual and Subscription) and Related Services (T001/21) - Clarification Meeting Malta

Further to the call for tenders for the provision of Microsoft Licenses (Perpetual and Subscription) and Related Services (T001/21) relating to the procurement of Microsoft Licenses, both perpetual and subscription, and related services over a period of three (3) years.

More information on this Call for Tenders is available from the URL https://www.etenders.gov.mt/epps/cft/prepareViewCfTWS.do?resourceId=7374942 

An online clarification meeting will be held through Microsoft Teams on 10:00 of Monday 8 March 2021.

In order to participate in the clarification meeting, interested tenderers are to register their interest and attendance through the form beneath.  

A maximum of two representatives per tendering party may register by not later than 17:00 hours of Thursday 4 March 2021.

A calendar invite with the link and instructions related to the proceedings of the online meeting shall be sent on Friday 5 March 2021.


Registration is now closed.