22 October 2018
2018-10-22T12:00:00.0000000 2018-10-22T12:00:00.0000000 Europe/Malta Malta Communications Authority ‘s e-Business Awards 2019 Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA) under the direction of the National Cyber Security Strategy Steering Committee within the remit of the Parliamentary Secretariat for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation, is participating in the Malta Communications Authority’s e-Business Awards for 2019 by supporting a newly established Cyber Security award. Malta

Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA) under the direction of the National Cyber Security Strategy Steering Committee within the remit of the Parliamentary Secretariat for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation, is participating in the Malta Communications Authority’s e-Business Awards for 2019 by supporting a newly established Cyber Security award.

Nomination forms for all Categories of the e-Business Awards shall this year include cyber security related questions which may entitle a nominee to the Cyber Security Award. MITA believes that its ICT supplier base places strong contenders to such prestigious award.

In this respect, MITA is encouraging you to participate in the Nominations which shall be open until the 14 December 2018 at http://ebusinessawards.mca.org.mt/. In the process, MITA would also like to invite you to fill in the cyber security questions within the respective Category selected and thus be eligible to bid for and potentially win the Cyber Security Award.