Tender Ref: T054/24
Non-IT Procurement
Publication date: 22/10/2024
Site visit date: 29/10/2024
Deadline for Submission of Clarifications: 05/11/2024
Deadline for Mita to Issue Clarifications: 08/11/2024
Deadline for Submission of Tender: 21/11/2024
Publication of Recommendation for Award Date: 13/01/2025
Objection Deadline: 23/01/2025

The objective of this Call for Tender is to identify a designer services contractor who shall undertake the design aspect of the reception and foyer area which should complement the current façade design and office areas.


Site Visit

A site visit will be held on Tuesday 29 October 2024 at 0900 hours, at MITA Data Centre, Old Railway Track, Santa Venera to answer any questions on the tender document which have been forwarded in writing or are raised during the same site visit. The questions and responses shall be posted online as a clarification note as per Clause 6.1 of the General Rules Governing Tendering.

Interested tenderers are to register their attendance through this link.

Link to the Electronic Public Procurement System (EPPS):


Subscribe to Tender Submission Deadline