Tender Ref: T041/17
Publication date: 10/05/2017
Deadline for Submission of Clarifications: 26/06/2017
Deadline for Mita to Issue Clarifications: 29/06/2017
Deadline for Submission of Tender: 09/06/2017
Publication of Recommendation for Award Date: 31/07/2017
Objection Deadline: 10/08/2017

This Call for Tender (CfT) is being published with the aim of identifying a contractor for the provision seats in: 1. Course 20345-1A: Administering Exchange Server 2016; 2. Course 20345-2A: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 4 seats, for each of the above courses, are required (8 seats in total).


Link to the Electronic Public Procurement System (EPPS):


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