Tender Ref: T039/21
Non-IT Procurement
Publication date: 18/10/2021
Deadline for Submission of Clarifications: 27/10/2021
Deadline for Mita to Issue Clarifications: 01/11/2021
Deadline for Submission of Tender: 08/11/2021
Publication of Recommendation for Award Date: 07/01/2022
Objection Deadline: 17/01/2022

MITA employs around three hundred thirty employees, approximately twenty of whom reside in Gozo.  MITA provides psychotherapy services for its employees as part of its mental wellbeing programme.


This contract’s scope is to provide Psychotherapy Services for MITA employees with the intention of providing help to employees who may be going through a difficult moment in their personal life.

Terms of Reference

Psychotherapy Service


  1. This service shall be requested on a need basis, for employees experiencing depression, anxiety or any other mental disorder related to both personal and work-related issues.
  2. In such cases, the Agency shall demonstrate its support by referring the employee to use this service.
  3. Upon acceptance of the employee to use this service, the psychotherapist will work together with the employee up to six (6) sessions of one (1) hour each (employee psychotherapy cycle) paid by the Agency.
  4. Sessions shall be held between Monday to Saturday from 0700 to 1900. (Excluding Public Holidays in Malta)
  5. Session can be, as specified by MITA, either online or face to face at MITA premises or psychotherapist`s clinic, depending on the employee’s needs.
  6. The first session must be held within two weeks after the name of the employees are disclosed by the Agency, same applies to the other sessions to follow.
  7. Each following session is to be held within a two-week time frame unless agreed by both parties; that is the psychotherapist and the respective employee.
  8. Continuation of service is to be ensured through a replacement psychotherapist when the primary psychotherapist is busy or unavailable.
  9. In exceptional emergency cases the service provider shall provide a session within 12 hours from notification from MITA. The Service Provider accepts that in such cases the service may therefore be required outside the service hours specified, including on public holidays in Malta.
  10. The maximum number of psychotherapy services shall be of five hundred (500) hours (ten (10) hours of which will be “emergency hours”) for the duration of the 3-year contract term.
  11. In principle, psychotherapists are bound to professional secrecy nonetheless if there is a work-related problem, with the employee’s consent, the psychotherapist is to contact the HR Manger to help resolve/mitigate the problem.
  12. Service Providers must be registered psychotherapists having obtained a warrant from the Malta Psychotherapy Professions Board with no less than 5 years’ experience and in possession of a certificate/license issued by the Council for the Professions Complimentary to Medicine.


The term of the Contract shall be the period of three (3) years from the Commencement Date. MITA shall be committed to utilize 80% of the contract value during the contract term.


The estimated budget for this CfT is €25,000 (excluding VAT).


More information is available from the Tender Documentation available to download from the electronic Public Public Procurement System (ePPS) as per link below.

Link to the Electronic Public Procurement System (EPPS):


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