Tender Ref: T036/21
Publication date: 15/07/2021
Deadline for Submission of Clarifications: 23/07/2021
Deadline for Mita to Issue Clarifications: 28/07/2021
Deadline for Submission of Tender: 05/08/2021
Publication of Recommendation for Award Date: 10/09/2021
Objection Deadline: 20/09/2021

The scope of this CfT is to procure the: (i) required Veeam subscription licences (ii) maintenance and support services for the Veeam perpetual licences which MITA already owns. This Call for Tenders is being published as a competitive call that will be considered as a negotiated procedure without prior publication in accordance with Article 154 (b) (ii) of the Public Procurement Regulations.

Link to the Electronic Public Procurement System (EPPS):


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