Tender Ref: T042/21
Infrastructure Services
Publication date: 04/08/2021
Deadline for Submission of Clarifications: 18/08/2021
Deadline for Mita to Issue Clarifications: 23/08/2021
Deadline for Submission of Tender: 03/09/2021
Publication of Recommendation for Award Date: 25/10/2021
Objection Deadline: 04/11/2021

The scope of the work required is for the provision of Cisco Networking Equipment at MITA Annex Computer Room at MITA Data Centre within Mater Dei Hospital. This tender may receive EU co-financing and for that reason may also be subject to the modalities, provisions and rules of such co-financing programmes. This tender is being published under Article 153 of the Public Procurement Regulations 2016.


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