Tender Ref: T015/21
IT Equipment
Publication date: 21/04/2021
Deadline for Submission of Clarifications: 05/05/2021
Deadline for Mita to Issue Clarifications: 10/05/2021
Deadline for Submission of Tender: 31/05/2021
Publication of Recommendation for Award Date: 09/09/2021
Objection Deadline: 20/09/2021

The scope of the work required is for the supply, installation and commissioning of Data Cabinets and Cabling at MITA Data Centre – Mater Dei Hospital This tender may receive EU co-financing and for that reason may also be subject to the modalities, provisions and rules of such co-financing programmes.


The deadline for submission of tenders has been extended up to the 31 May 2021.

Link to the Electronic Public Procurement System (EPPS):


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